rt: start, end: end, searchTextCount: searchTextCountInSlice }; } var slicesOfTitle = []; if (indexOfTitle.length != 0) { slicesOfTitle.push(mergeIntoSlice(title, 0, title.length, indexOfTitle)); } var slicesOfContent = []; while (indexOfContent.length != 0) { var item = indexOfContent[indexOfContent.length - 1]; var position = item.position; var word = item.word; // cut out 100 characters var start = position - 20; var end = position + 80; if(start < 0){ start = 0; } if (end < position + word.length) { end = position + word.length; } if(end > content.length){ end = content.length; } slicesOfContent.push(mergeIntoSlice(content, start, end, indexOfContent)); } // sort slices in content by search text's count and hits' count slicesOfContent.sort(function (sliceLeft, sliceRight) { if (sliceLeft.searchTextCount !== sliceRight.searchTextCount) { return sliceRight.searchTextCount - sliceLeft.searchTextCount; } else if (sliceLeft.hits.length !== sliceRight.hits.length) { return sliceRight.hits.length - sliceLeft.hits.length; } else { return sliceLeft.start - sliceRight.start; } }); // select top N slices in content var upperBound = parseInt('1'); if (upperBound >= 0) { slicesOfContent = slicesOfContent.slice(0, upperBound); } // highlight title and content function highlightKeyword(text, slice) { var result = ''; var prevEnd = slice.start; slice.hits.forEach(function (hit) { result += text.substring(prevEnd, hit.position); var end = hit.position + hit.length; result += '' + text.substring(hit.position, end) + ''; prevEnd = end; }); result += text.substring(prevEnd, slice.end); return result; } var resultItem = ''; if (slicesOfTitle.length != 0) { resultItem += "
  • " + highlightKeyword(title, slicesOfTitle[0]) + ""; } else { resultItem += "
  • " + title + ""; } slicesOfContent.forEach(function (slice) { resultItem += "" + "

    " + highlightKeyword(content, slice) + "...

    " + "
    "; }); resultItem += "
  • "; resultItems.push({ item: resultItem, searchTextCount: searchTextCount, hitCount: hitCount, id: resultItems.length }); } }) }; if (keywords.length === 1 && keywords[0] === "") { resultContent.innerHTML = '
    ' } else if (resultItems.length === 0) { resultContent.innerHTML = '
    ' } else { resultItems.sort(function (resultLeft, resultRight) { if (resultLeft.searchTextCount !== resultRight.searchTextCount) { return resultRight.searchTextCount - resultLeft.searchTextCount; } else if (resultLeft.hitCount !== resultRight.hitCount) { return resultRight.hitCount - resultLeft.hitCount; } else { return resultRight.id - resultLeft.id; } }); var searchResultList = '"; resultContent.innerHTML = searchResultList; } } if ('auto' === 'auto') { input.addEventListener('input', inputEventFunction); } else { $('.search-icon').click(inputEventFunction); input.addEventListener('keypress', function (event) { if (event.keyCode === 13) { inputEventFunction(); } }); } // remove loading animation $(".local-search-pop-overlay").remove(); $('body').css('overflow', ''); proceedsearch(); } }); } // handle and trigger popup window; $('.popup-trigger').click(function(e) { e.stopPropagation(); if (isfetched === false) { searchFunc(path, 'local-search-input', 'local-search-result'); } else { proceedsearch(); }; }); $('.popup-btn-close').click(onPopupClose); $('.popup').click(function(e){ e.stopPropagation(); }); $(document).on('keyup', function (event) { var shouldDismissSearchPopup = event.which === 27 && $('.search-popup').is(':visible'); if (shouldDismissSearchPopup) { onPopupClose(); } });